Medical Malpractice

Standing up to Medical Negligence
Have you or a loved one suffered injury or death due to medical malpractice? If so, you may be eligible for compensation. When it comes to medical malpractice cases, you need an quality attorney with the appropriate legal experience.
Attorney Jerry Beurkens has been taking on medical malpractice cases for over 30 years. As a result, he knows the right questions to ask doctors and other medical professionals. He also knows what to look for in medical charts to build strong legal cases.
When a doctor or other medical professional is negligent, it can have dire consequences for the health of the patient, resulting in injury or death. Either consequence is unforgiveable in the eyes of the law. As an ttorney Jerry Beurkens will make sure that you get the compensation you need to rebuild your life when disaster strikes. Compensation can help offset the cost of medical expenses, loss of wages, and other damages.
If you need a medical malpractice attorney to represent your legal case, please Contact Us. As a local lawyer, attorney Jerry Beurkens is always willing to help people get the compensation they deserve.