Drunk Driving

Defending DUI and OWI Clients
Have you recently been arrested for drunk driving or operating under the influence? Depending on your unique situation, you may be able to restore your license by working with a top OWI attorney like Jerry Beurkens, who has over years of experience and knowledge in defending clients for drunk driving and OWI cases in Michigan.
As an experienced OWI defense lawyer, Grand Rapids attorney Jerry Beurkens has a reputation in the area for fighting aggressively for his clients to help ensure the best possible legal outcome. If you are eligible to get your driver’s license back after having an OWI or DUI charge see about our License Restoration services.
Michigan law outlines three levels of drunk driving offenses:
Level 1: Your first offense could result in a license sanction (such as a six-month suspension) and up to 90 days in jail.
Level 2: A second offense is when you accrue two drunk driving charges within a seven-year period. The second offense could result in a one-year jail sentence and an indefinite loss of your driver's license.
Level 3: If you have received three drunk driving charges within a ten-year period, you have committed your third offense. (These charges can include out-of-state offenses as well.) The third offense is considered a felony offense, and could result in a one to five years in jail and the permanent loss of your license.
When charged with an OWI or Drunk Driving related offense in Michigan, time is vital! You will need an experienced, tough, and aggressive attorney! Contact us to receive your free initial phone consultation.
Learn more about Drunk Driving and DUI Laws in Michigan Here