Domestic Assault

Restoring Your Reputation
Have you recently been arrested for domestic assault and need quality legal representation? Attorney Jerry Beurkens has over years of experience in helping people just like you find legal resolutions.
Depending on your unique situation, you may be eligible for a diversion program, which can help you avoid a conviction. Diversion programs have been known to help some individuals, but are not appropriate for all legal cases. To check your eligibility, be sure to contact Attorney Jerry Beurkens. When you work with an experienced lawyer, they can help you find legal solutions that allow your record to remain clean.
Domestic assault cases are not just about keeping your record clean, but are also about preserving your reputation in your community. For this, you will need an aggressive attorney who is familiar with the local legislature to find the best resolution for you. Just because you have been arrested or charged does not mean you have run out of options.
If you are in need of a criminal defense lawyer for a domestic assault case, please Contact Us. We will fight for your case to help ensure the best outcome.